Horses. REALLY!? WHERE?! Yep, I'm obsessed. Sorry. So I switched my concept for my Fine Art Thesis class to horse studies. I have no idea where this "exploration" will bring me, but that's what its all about, right? I'm taking this as an opportunity to expand and develop my life-long love of equines and enhance my ability to draw them. Definitely stoked. So if that's not enough horse for ya, here's some more. I just got a call from a farm that I applied for a job at, and totally nailed the position! SWWEEET. Three horses, nineteen donkeys, and a menagerie of other poopy-smelling livestock to take care of on a bajillion acre farm stuck between Nowhereville and Nothingland. I'm really not that sarcastic in my enthusiasm. I really wanted this job! =] Ok, so I have just one more thing to top it all off. A video! Yours truly, a montage of a billion clips of me and the horse I've been lucky enough to stumble upon earlier this summer. His name is Cazador and he made my summer fantastic. Consider it a preview of how I spend my time when I'm not painting till my eyeballs pop out! Enjoy! P.S. Sorry for the crappy video quality..this was my first time using the program (which I love) but it was a learning process. Hello Friends! I'm you're JennaLovesArt Girl! Are you tired of your boring walls?! Do you lack artwork in your home?! Well, the answer to all your problems is right here!! Its got murals, paintings, drawings, and a blog! So creative too! Take a look - Its really quite awesome! So why don't you join the millions of home and business owners who have chosen to add some art and love into their lives, and get yourself some JennaLovesArt authentic masterpieces! And don't forget that Jenna - Loves - Art! *cheesey winking face* thats my own rendition of the famous Vitametavegemin Episode of "I Love Lucy." Thanks to my mildy Lucielle Ball-obsessed mother, I know those lines by heart and can recite them without fault. Fun times, love ya mom! For those of you looking to reminisce in a little Lucy, here's the clip. Enjoy! That one never gets old for me. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do.
Peace and Love, Jenna |
About me.
I eat, sleep, and breathe art. I'm fond of horses and put ketchup on everything. =] Archives
August 2016