I know, I know, I haven't posted in a while. But my busy schedule means lots of art! May 20th was IMAGINE Art's FIRST public appearance! I had a booth at the 4th annual Help Willy's Friends Pet Fair on May 20th. The fair was a blast and it gave IMAGINE Art a chance to show off all of our pet portraits. I find it ironic that my previous post started off with my excitement for the warmer weather. Today is a cloudy, chilly day. The kind of day that makes me want to mope on the couch in obnoxiously fluffy socks and restrict myself to a comfort food diet. Winter is coming....
October 22 - 23 is New Haven's annual City Wide Open Studios. I will be displaying my art at Paier College of Art. I will also be showing in Paier's fall student art show - November 11-13th. Busy busy! Lately my creativity has been utterly consumed by my printmaking class. I love it. I recently found myself packing everything I owned into far too few busted up boxes and hauling them (crammed in the back of a horse trailer, no less) away to a new home. At the time I was pretty fumed about having to move in the first place, but after a few short weeks in my new place, I've once again found myself saying "everything happens for a reason".
This school semester at Paier is so close to its closing. Just a few more finals to spit out and then - SUMMER. Oh, glorious summer. Inspirational as ever, considering I would have rather bundled myself up in fleece and hibernated for the last 6 months than deal with the snow we were given this past winter. No matter - finally I can set up my paints in the warmth of the sun and the beauty of its lighting and just PAINT. In addition to the changing of seasons (and homes), I have some new prospects that are very promising, and I'm hopeful that my break into the big art scene is right around the corner. Only time will tell, I guess. But while we're waiting for this monumental event, I'll be doing some BIG things over the next few months that I'm EXTREMELY excited about. I'm so anxious to start them and get this show on the road! I'll also be leaving all my readers hangin' until the pictures are made available. =P Thats all for now, folks. PEACE AND LOVE. |
About me.
I eat, sleep, and breathe art. I'm fond of horses and put ketchup on everything. =] Archives
August 2016