In my efforts to finally become an independent, self-sustaining, seemingly sane artist, I felt the need to revisit and revamp my professional entity. I began by renovating my whole page, but in the end realized I really needed a new, more professional business name. And thus, IMAGINE Art was born! Works both ways, don't ya think? Like "This is imaginable art!" or "You there! IMAGINE this art!" hehehe... Anyway, in addition, my URL address has been changes to www.IMAGINEalltheART.com. So please, if you're reading this it must mean you found my new site just fine. So if you haven't already, PLEASE TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW! PEACE AND LOVE. Comments are closed.
About me.
I eat, sleep, and breathe art. I'm fond of horses and put ketchup on everything. =] Archives
August 2016